In the past few weeks, I have had visits from white-throated sparrows, catbirds, and my first hummingbirds of the year. Those three species along with my past visitors total 32 types of birds I have seen either in my yard or flying over.
We are blessed with a back yard filled with hedges and shrubs and lots of trees which provide good cover. I also provide water and a large variety of seeds and food to attract a large variety of birds. Sometimes we’ll draw in birds just passing through. Birds are attracted to other birds. That’s how they discover new sources of food.
I’m hoping before the year is out, that I’ll be able to count 40 species. We’ll see. If you want to attract lots of birds, simply give them food, cover and water and they’ll come.
The species I have seen thus far are listed below.
Robins, starlings, mockingbirds, Canadian geese, turkey buzzards, black buzzards, doves, crows, jays, titmice, nuthatches, red bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, Carolina wren, house wrens, bluebirds, chickadees, song sparrows, house sparrows, house finches, gold finches, broad-winged hawks, red-tailed hawks, snowbirds, cardinals, grackles, pileated woodpeckers, thrashers, cowbirds, white throated sparrow, catbird, and hummingbirds.