The piers continue to report bluefish, speckled trout, and sea mullet. There are still some drum biting as well. Surf fishermen are hauling in spot, bluefish, speckled trout, puppy drum, and sea mullet. There have been multiple bluefish blitzes on the southern beaches. Inshore fishing has been productive for trout, pups, and a few big drum. Plenty of flounder are around, but the catch season is … [Read more...]
Virginia Saltwater
Huge Fluke The flounder are abundant now in the lower bay as they begin their move out to sea. We were at Kiptopeke last weekend, and my wife Nancy pulled in a 20-incher. Hundeds were caught on the pier, including a recent 30-inch citation. The cobia are mostly gone, and spot are heading out as well. Good fishing continues for tautogs and sheepshead. Speckled trout and puppy drum and … [Read more...]
A Big Brookie, A Big Gar
On March 12th, Thomas Garth from Stanardsville, Virginia landed a 5-pound, 15-ounce brook trout from Cub Run in Page County. That’s a big brook trout. Garth caught the trophy-sized trout with a fly rod using a minnow as bait. The fish measured 20 ¼-inches and was officially weighed at Martin’s Grocery in Harrisonburg. After biologist verification and review by the State Record … [Read more...]
Winter Trout Fishing Memories
I think Jimmie was 10 years old, maybe 11, but my son was my frequent and constant fishing companion. One February morning, we bundled up, put our gear in the back of 72 Chevy Pick Up and headed for Swift Run in Greene County. At that time, most of the fishing at Swift Run was done down near Stanardsville, where they stocked brown trout twice each spring. I had discovered, however, that … [Read more...]
Harry Murray on Trout Fishing
The full stream levels we've had this year have been very good for cress bug and shrimp populations. In some of the springs I watch closely, the streams in the Edinburg area are carrying more water than usual and are spread out much wider than they normally are. This encourages a profuse growth of aquatic weeds, thus providing an abundance of homes for the cress bugs and shrimp. These springs are … [Read more...]
Tomahawk Farm
One of the top fee fishing establishments in Virginia is Tomahawk Farm on the Jackson River near Warm Springs. My pals, Dave Gladwell, John Savides and Glenn Busch have been fishing that stretch for the past several years when we stay a few days at Cliff View Inn. My fly fishing days are largely in the rear view window since the golf bug bit me, but my buds love this stream. This is beautiful … [Read more...]
Susie Q Farm Open For Fall Fishing
As pressure on our public trout waters increase, there has been a trend to fee fishing in privately stocked trout waters. It costs a fee to fish these streams, but anglers can usually be assured that there are plenty of trout to cast to and not so many fishermen on the stream to ruin the experience. Susie Q Farm has such a stretch of water and they are now booking through the month of … [Read more...]
South River Report
The South River Fly Shop reports that the South River in Waynesboro has been fishing well for the past two weeks with some great Smoky Sedge Caddis hatches in the late mornings. Size 16 Black Elk Hair Caddis and variations have been working on active fish. The hatch intensity varies from day to day, but should continue for another week or more. Water levels have improved slightly with the recent … [Read more...]