The piers continue to report bluefish, speckled trout, and sea mullet. There are still some drum biting as well. Surf fishermen are hauling in spot, bluefish, speckled trout, puppy drum, and sea mullet. There have been multiple bluefish blitzes on the southern beaches. Inshore fishing has been productive for trout, pups, and a few big drum. Plenty of flounder are around, but the catch season is … [Read more...]
No Strangers on a Pier
There is no such thing as a stranger on a pier. They are part of your family. For that day or that hour, you are blood kin, connected with the joy or disappointment of catching fish. If one catches, all bring fish over the rail. If only the crabs are nibbling the baits and no rod tips bend forward, everyone on the pier shares the same fate. But there are no strangers. The fellow beside … [Read more...]
What To Do?
Sometimes when you’re at the beach, “nothing” is the best thing to do. Just sit on a lawn chair in the sand, watch the waves curl and crash along the shore, marvel at the string of pelicans bobbing over the water and simply relax. However, there is no shortage of things to do at Nags Head, and for me, a fishing rod is usually involved. You can fish in the surf, off the piers, in the sound, from … [Read more...]
Fall On The Outer Banks
(This issue of CvilleBuzz will be devoted to a fall getaway on the Outer Banks – everything from how to get there to what to do and where to eat.) It’s finally fall. The heat and humidity of August has lifted, the skies are blue and there is a slight morning nip in the air. Let’s celebrate fall’s arrival. Let’s take a trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The Outer Banks is a … [Read more...]