Our resident bluebirds pulled off a successful hatch a couple weeks ago. As usual, when the chicks fledged, they were immediately escorted by their parents to some tall trees behind out house – far away from blue jays, crows and squirrels that visit our yard. I never knew how many babies made it until this week. They are now reaching full size and there are four still alive and kicking. In all my years with bluebirds, I don’t think I’ve ever seen than many three weeks after they hatched. The mortality rate is very high. At the end of the summer season, if two chicks survive from two nests, that’s good. They’ve replaced themselves
But the little fellows are doing well. They have been following me around the yard as they know I keep a bowl of fresh mealworms and toss a few their way.
The hen has begun a second nest. Here’s hoping another 4 chicks survive the ordeal.