I bought my Cucumber Trellis early this spring. The plan was to set this beauty up and have multiple cucumber vines on each side of the trellis climbing the netting to deposit hundreds, perhaps thousands of crisp, green cukes for me to pick and for Nancy to can and make pickles.
But there was some assembly involved and by the time I finished putting together the 100 or more parts, I had a much greater appreciation for the guys that assembled the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Then, as I have previously noted, I planted magic seeds from a unique variety of cucumbers – so unique that they didn’t sprout, and I had to buy cucumbers in pots from Lowe’s that had already made it to the first stage.
Finally, the trellis would be able to perform as advertised. The cucumber vines would now ascend to great heights, except they didn’t. The plants have thus far stayed on the ground. I even took the instruction page out and positioned it so that each cucumber vine would be able to see the part where they are supposed to climb up the trellis and produce their offspring.
Still, no climbing of said cucumber vines. I think they may be afraid of heights.
But at least I was able to assemble the trellis – a lasting monument to my handyman abilities.