The squirrels had planted a mysterious plant in one on Nancy’s flower beds and we decided to watch it grow and see what it was. As I regularly toss out cantaloupe and melon seeds for the pesky rodents, I figured a melon, but it turned out to be an ordinary yellow squash plant. At first, I couldn’t imagine how they got hold of squash seeds – I never throw them out when we have squash. Then I remembered. I had a partial packet of yellow squash seeds in the shed, probably two years old and I did toss those out.
The squirrels outdid themselves. The plant is beautiful and thriving, and we have so far picked a half dozen perfect yellow squash from their creation. The squash in my garden did nothing, but the squirrely squash plant is keeping us in fresh vegetables.
I think next year, I’m going to Lowe’s and buy an assortment of vegetable seeds and put them out in the back yard and let the squirrels decide what goes where.
In the meantime, we’re having squash again for dinner tonight.