The speckled trout bite is as hot as it gets right now. The best action is concentrated inside the rivers and inlets of the bay, with hotspots including the Lynnhaven River, Rudee Inlet, Little Creek Inlet, the Elizabeth, Piankatank, and Rappahannock rivers. Anglers are having success with live mullet, shrimp, paddle tail swim baits, and popping corks.
Rockfish activity is increasing around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel pilings. The larger fish typically show up towards the end of November and into December. School-sized fish are being found in good numbers throughout the lower bay, especially at night around any bridges and piers with lights. They are being caught in the Rappahannock and James rivers by trolling with swim shads, bucktails, and plugs. Many anglers targeting specks and rockfish are also catching puppy drum.
Some anglers are still catching Sheepshead around vertical structures. Tautog are also biting. Crabs are still available but becoming harder to find as the weather cools. Very nice Bluefish, some up to 28 inches, are being caught in various places inside the bay.
There’s an excellent black sea bass bite on offshore structures now.
Virginia deep-droppers can expect good catches of sea bass, tilefish, and some snowy grouper. There are also good numbers of swordfish available.
Sea mullet, black drum and puppy drum are keeping the rods bending for surf and pier anglers. A few trout were also caught from the surf.
Inshore fishing is still very good for trout. There have been a few puppy drum caught as well.
Offshore boats are reporting blackfin tuna and king mackerel.