From Sherman Shifflett This story came from a gentleman who runs a 2,000-acre corn farm near Barron, Wisconsin, not far from Oshkosh. He once flew F-4Es and F-16s for the National Guard and participated in the first Gulf War. Here is his account about two eagles and three crows: I was planting corn to finish a field before the next morning when I witnessed “The Great … [Read more...]
Storm Clouds
Deborah Gillespie of Bluefield sent this amazing photo to CvilleBuzz. It was taken on June 12 by a friend of hers, about a mile northeast of the Gillespie Home. Those familiar with Princeton will recognize the area as behind Durr's Pond on Athens road. Got any pictures you’d like to share? Send them to … [Read more...]
Virginia Coyote Study Results
From VDGIF Research Although they are found statewide, coyotes are a relative newcomer to Virginia. Coyotes are native to the plains of the Midwest, but they eventually arrived in the western mountains of Virginia during the late 1970’s following a well-documented eastward expansion. Coyotes prefer hilly terrain with open or brushy habitat, but they are also a highly adaptable species. Their … [Read more...]
How To Peel Eggs
Tips from Bob and Doris Huff I did a little tongue in cheek piece last week on boiling eggs – the easy part. The hard part? Peeling them - at least some times. It’s common knowledge that a non-fresh egg peels easier, it tightens up inside with age and the shells come right off. But sometimes you don’t have any week-old eggs – you have to use what you’ve got. I’ve read lots of … [Read more...]
Fly Expo Update
By Tommy Lawhorne The first year of the South River Fly Fishing Expo was a success and planning is underway for a bigger and better Expo next year. Next years dates are already set for April 22nd and 23rd. The water levels are great in the Southern portion of the Shenandoah National Park and are returning to normal on the South River. Larger nymphs and streamers have been the go … [Read more...]
Mountain Lions – Myth or Truth?
Eds. Note: There have been numerous, reported sightings of mountain lions by seemingly reliable witnesses, yet the Game Department claims there are no mountain lions in Virginia. Below is a recent article from VDGIF? We report, you decide. More and more images appear as photo attachments to emails claiming to have been taken in Virginia. With some detective work, they are often … [Read more...]
An Apple a Day
Or guest columnist, Sherman Shifflett, shares with us his memories of apples and orchards An Apple a Day By Sherman Shifflett From the time I can first remember, I lived around orchards. Dad worked most of his adult life in the orchards near Covesville in Albemarle County. He knew a lot about grafting, planting, pruning, thinning, spraying and … [Read more...]
Drum Time in Virginia
Dr. Ken Neill, III They have a face that only a mother could love. Black drum lack the beautiful red-golden glow and the more streamlined body of their close cousin, the red drum. They do not give you the blistering runs or acrobatic leaps that are the trademarks of some of the more popular game fish. While considered a delicacy in a few localized areas, they are not highly thought of … [Read more...]
Gardening Tips From Dad
(Intro from Jim Brewer) Well, fellow backyard gardeners, it’s time to plant! This week I asked a veteran gardener, Sherman Shifflett, to share a few suggestions from his many years working the soil. Sherman kindly relayed some tips his father gave him, and one involves using the Farmer’s Almanac. Maybe there’s some real truth in that old handbook. Below are Sherman’s tips. By Sherman … [Read more...]
Hey Mickey!
By Alan Bittman Fortunately, my wife, Cyndi, and I just missed the latest weather mess here in Albemarle County. Timing! Timing! Timing! While Central Virginia was treated to snow, ice and torrential rain, we were in Orlando. Last year my brother gave us as a reference (read: “sales lead for a time share”) to the folks who run a very nice resort in Florida. The “catch” was a … [Read more...]